Tuesday, February 12, 2008

"Know Your Limit: Are You Prepared For Backcountry Skiing?"

More and more backcountry skiers are hitting up East Vail’s chutes, and conditions are growing worse as more and more snow falls in the area.

Despite two deaths, the area can not be shut down because it is not part of the ski company’s permit area. Forest Service officials have been warning skiers of the dangers at the back country gate at the top of Vail Mountain.

Both skiers were carrying rescue equipment, which is essential while skiing backcountry, such as shovels, beacons, and probes. However, when conditions are dangerous your equipment can only do so much.

If you plan on skiing backcountry, make sure you are knowledgeable on what to do in case of an avalanche and how to ride safely.

Here are some tips…

1) Take an avalanche safety course to learn personal safety and rescue techniques.

2) Always ski with a buddy.

3) Practice searching for your partners avalanche transceivers.

4) Research your route and show conditions in the area you plan to ski.

5) Always carry avalanche equipment (shovels, beacons, probes) as well as extra clothes, high energy food, and plenty of water.

6) Be aware of your surroundings.

If you plan on skiing backcountry know your limit and never be afraid to say no if the terrain doesn’t look safe.

For more information on avalanche safety visit http://classic.mountainzone.com/features/avalanche/

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